Saturday, December 8, 2012

Cicero's Quotes

1) The Senatus consultum/ decree of the senate is a law. The senate had decreed on October 21 that the consuls be given "supreme authority for the protection of the state." Cicero felt that this decree gave him all the authority needed to put Catiline to death.
"Habemus enim eius modi senatus consultum..." 
2) Cicero compares the decree of the senate to a sword being kept away in a sheath. Cicero is saying that the senate decree is not being used so it will become dull like a sword that is being unused.
" tamquam in vagina reconditum"
3) Cicero is conflicted because he does not want to appear lax of the dangers that are going on in the Republic, but he does accuse himself of negligence and also blame himself of lack of action. Also, Cicero have not yet convinced himself of killing Catiline, which should have been done long ago.
"Cupio in tantis rei pubblicae periculis me non dissolutum videri,sed iam me ipse inertiae nequitiaeque condemno."
4) The camp is located in Italy, at the entrance of Etruria. It is dangerous because the number of the enemy increase every day and the leader of the enemies is within the walls and even in the Senate.
"Castra sunt in Italia contra populum Romanum in Etruriae faucibus conlocata, crescit in dies singulos hostium numerus;...intra moenia atque adeo in senatu videmus intestinam aliquam cotidie perniciem rei publicae molientem."
5) Catiline is living in fear, because he is being consistently watched whether he knows it or not. The senate have guards watching him around the clock. He soon will be killed for what he has done.
"Multorum te etiam oculi et aures non sentientem, sicut adhuc fecerunt, speculabuntur atque custodient."

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